
Quick Look
The Mysterious Disappearance of the Wondering Mind He risked his life in the search of FREEDOM, Omananda

The Mysterious Disappearance of t...

by Omananda

Rent: $4.49

A dangerous escape from East Germany and a Mystical Awakening in Indonesia - this book is...

Unabridged: 3 hr 26 min
Transcendental Journeys - A Visionary Quest for Freedom #1
Narrator: Torsten Klimmer
Published: 04/20/2020
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Self Empowering Experiences in Altered States This true story is a wild trip through non-ordinary states of consciousness., Omananda

Self Empowering Experiences in Al...

by Omananda

Rent: $4.49

A wild ride exploring the human psyche!Authentic mystical experiences are a prerequisite ...

Unabridged: 3 hr 53 min
Transcendental Journeys - A Visionary Quest for Freedom #2
Narrator: Torsten Klimmer
Published: 04/20/2020
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When Dream and Reality Merge into One, Omananda

When Dream and Reality Merge into...

by Omananda

Rent: $4.99

This magical, true and epic story is a wild ride through adventures around the world with...

Unabridged: 4 hr 12 min
Transcendental Journeys - A Visionary Quest for Freedom #3
Narrator: Torsten Klimmer
Published: 04/20/2020
Quick Look
Coronalization The Ultimate Self-Help Guide for the Viral Pandemic, Omananda


by Omananda

Rent: $3.46

Coronalization is a self-help book for the antiviral age and a practical guide on how to ...

Unabridged: 2 hr 22 min
Narrator: Torsten Klimmer
Published: 05/14/2020