Successful Companies are External...
Rent: $1.12Harlan Sanders was a chef whose company (Kentucky Fried Chicken)makes food. Bill Gates wa...
Degree of fatness tends to be inversely proportional to degree of agency.
People who have religion believe that there is a standard of truth and goodness that is a...
The Origin of 'The Origin of Spec...
Rent: $1.12Darwin and Freud both had a 'sixth sense' about people and were able to read people insta...
Winners don't quit and quitters don't win. Divorce is quitting, and that is why divorce i...
In some cases, rigidity is about unresponsiveness to data; and in other cases, it is abou...
Neurotic Punctilios Posing as Can...
Rent: $1.12Many of the so-called 'canons of rigor' that are applied to scholarly work are really art...
People Do Not Compartmentalize as...
Rent: $1.12The character-traits and behavior-patterns that people adopt in an attempt to contain the...
Why Was Socrates Executed?: And O...
Rent: $1.98Pithy, easy-to-understand papers on Plato's epistemology, metaphysics, and political phil...
Philosophy and Psychoanalysis: Se...
Rent: $2.96Dialogues about a wide range of topics in philosophy and psychoanalysis.
Non-biological systems are entropic systems. Biological systems are counter-entropic syst...
Panic Attacks Have an Objective B...
Rent: $1.12People have panic attacks when they are in a situation in which they are actually threate...
Economics is a Branch not of Phys...
Rent: $1.12Economics is therefore a branch of biology, and its logic is the logic of biology, not of...
In this briskly written volume, a case is made that a value is a belief as to how one liv...
Epistemology in an Hour: An Inter...
Rent: $1.48The key precepts of modern epistemology explained both rigorously and approachable. There...
Thoughts on personal and institutional psychopathology.Thoughts on psychopathology in rel...
Theoretical Knowledge & Inductive...
Rent: $8.46According to David Hume, the concept of causation and probability are to be understood in...
Logic, Philosophy & Psychoanalysi...
Rent: $8.46This volume contains monologues and dialogues in which the most basic questions of psycho...
Thoughts on personal and institutional psychopathology.Zeros have replaced heroes. We use...
Thoughts on personal and institutional psychopathology.Bureaucrats have replaced thinkers...
The author shares his thoughts On Psychopathology And Self-Actualization.