Things As They Are: Mission Work in Southern India, Amy Carmichael
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Things As They Are: Mission Work in Southern India

Author: Amy Carmichael

Narrator: Deepika Mascarenhas

Unabridged: 10 hr 16 min

Format: Digital Audiobook

Publisher: Findaway Voices

Published: 02/27/2022

Genre: Religion - Christian Ministry - Missions


Read Her exists to promote books written by Christian women. Women throughout history have written inspiring and insightful books that glorify Christ, and it's time they are read! One way Read Her seeks to make these books more accessible is by producing audiobooks available on all major audiobook distributors. Things As They Are by Amy Carmichael is the first of what we hope will be many books brought back to the listening ear of the Christian community. 

Things As They Are is Amy Carmichael's sobering and insightful account of missions work in 19th century India. Amy was a bold and gifted women, who sacrificed her life for the sake of the gospel. She gave up so much to save young girls from the harsh realities of 19th century India and the caste system. Her legacy is still felt by the Christian community in Southern India particularly in Dohnavur. Her influence has also extended throughout the world as her writings inspire missionaries and organizations to step out in boldness. 


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