Critical Thinking: How to Analyze People and Facts with Skepticism and Reason, Nelly Vortex
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Critical Thinking: How to Analyze People and Facts with Skepticism and Reason

Author: Nelly Vortex

Narrator: Chris McCormick

Unabridged: 3 hr 26 min

Format: Digital Audiobook

Publisher: Findaway Voices

Published: 05/17/2020

Genre: Philosophy - Movements - Rationalism


In this guide about critical thinking skills, the author starts out by explaining what critical thinking is, and where it came from. She then quickly proceeds to name some important critical thinking traits, such as inductive and deductive reasoning (some of the best-known ones), skepticism, and analytical skills.

So what are the uses of these skills? How do they contradict our emotions? And how can we become more intelligent human beings by applying them?

Rational thinking has become a more embraced concept, but if this is true, is there also room for intuition? These are some of the questions that will be answered here. The author will also show how biases and presumptions based on past experiences get in our way of attributing the right consequences to the right causes, and which arguments are valid in which kinds of circumstances.

Be one of the few who takes the critical thinking concept seriously and start reading or listening today!


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