Critical Thinking: How to Think More Intelligently and Critically, Samirah Eaton
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Critical Thinking: How to Think More Intelligently and Critically

Author: Samirah Eaton, Marco Jameson, Gary Dankock

Narrator: Rory Young, J.A. Lydock, Carlton Smith

Unabridged: 3 hr 4 min

Format: Digital Audiobook

Publisher: Findaway Voices

Published: 12/04/2020

Genre: Philosophy - Logic


This book consists of 3 different titles, which are:

Title 1: Skepticism has been criticized, ironically, and optimism has been glorified beyond all reason. There are sub-cults in the self-help industry that will judge anyone who questions the claims of gurus, and there are many people who are afraid to doubt the things they are told. Today, we need more skepticism in science and psychology. We need people who don’t take claims as truth when they have not been fully proven.


Title 2: In this guide, you will receive greater comprehension of what fallacies are and close your blind spot to the truth of things.

Later, the author goes on to instruct you on inductive and deductive reasoning, which are two techniques that help people reach logical conclusions without going astray in their paths of thinking.

Title 3: In this educational guide, we will dive into topics related to the emotional component of intelligence. Many people underestimate the importance of such an element, so here, we will explain why it is so essential.


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