Protective Aura for Deep Sleep: A Guided Yogic Meditation, Greg Cetus
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Protective Aura for Deep Sleep: A Guided Yogic Meditation

Author: Greg Cetus

Series: Natural World

Narrator: Greg Cetus

Unabridged: 0 hr 31 min

Format: Digital Audiobook

Publisher: Findaway

Published: 12/15/2015

Genre: Nature - Oceans & Seas


It is the depth and relaxation in sleep that counts. This audio track will help you engage in meditation before falling to sleep, as during sleep the Man leaves the physical form and goes to super-physical planes and it is the last train of thought in your mind that determines and conforms you to the special super-physical influence you are to obtain. The physical benefits too shall be great. You will feel more rested in this way and your sleep will be sounder and more refreshing than otherwise. During the first several minutes of the track a guided medication is read to help you build protective aura to guard against adverse influences during sleep. In the next 30 minutes a gentle Ocean Waves sequence continues offering natural energy and rhythmical pattern for deeper sleep.


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